A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2998: Paige Steele

Rod and Karen banter about new music, the rowing machine, Daylight Savings Time, the WNBA Finals, DeShaun Watson getting support from prominent Black men, and news hosts returning after a break. Then they discuss election news, Shelley Wynter, and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    Sometimes I almost feel sorry for people like Sage Steele because they do all that cooning just to be disrespected to their face and they have to keep smiling about it but then they open their mouth and say something stupid. Fuck her and the rest of those tan dancing coons.

  2. ClassicRandBLover

    I prefer Daylight Savings Time. I hate it being pitch black when I leave for work and pitch black when I leave from work. It makes driving dangerous, at least in my opinion. Also, the lack of exposure to the sun depletes your vitamin D levels, leaving you feeling drained in conditions that require you to be more alert than ever.

  3. TanyaW42

    I’m with you, Rod! I can’t stand getting up out of the bed when it’s still dark out. I can deal with it being dark in the evening, it’s *supposed* to be dark in the evening!

    Also a late comment on the Apia kerfuffle, I am Team Apia, and not only because I’m the other white lady that listens to TBGWT, lol! Apia has very thoughtful comments, and I enjoy them!

  4. RoninRaphael

    She does sound like a Paige wannabe tbh.

    Rod I’m with you on this daylight thing. It’s why I couldn’t stay in the Scandinavian lands (except they quadruple my acceptance fee). I never recovered from my 2012 visit to a small town in Finland, sunshine almost all day except for like 2 hours between 2am and 5am. I couldn’t sleep with my blinds open and flash my sexy body. Then locals were like I should visit during Winter, it’s the opposite. Eternal darkness, I said well you shouldn’t have told me that “so long Sayonara my Vikings!” I need my weather well behaved, ya feel me?

  5. himdeel

    Damn Rod! Quit being a scary bitch and get your proton pack, garlic necklaces, silver bullets, holy water, and now baby oil, to fight these ghost, vampires, werewolves, demons, and Diddy, like erebody else. Brang yo black ass on in the morning with the rest of us grown ass, but appropriately prepared adult peoples, when the sun ain’t sunnin. I’m sick of this!! Daylight savings is for the children, and it will remain, much like the Atari 2600, for the children! It’s for the childraaans, Rod. Do you hate, “the children’s?” Welll wellll well!!

    Also speaking of reality T and V, and Dumps reality trash, how am I supposed to know how the kids be dating, and all about what’s good banter, if I don’t keep up with Love Island and Too Hot to Handle?! Huh?! What about that Rod?! Or how am I to confirm that white peoples still love to be both Naked and Afraid, while also starving they dumb, er fun asses outside when they don’t have too?! Where am I going to go to see the white peoples down bad Rod?! Reality T and V.

    Y’all the best!!

  6. matureyounglady@yahoo.com

    That GloRilla album is fire!!!! I listed to it 3x back to back. I too am confused by how the album stuff works. As Rod stated, what counts as an album and mixtape is confusing. They’ve been rolling these mixtapes out like actually albums. Whatever this is, Glo did her thing. I actually think her album is better than Megan’s. But I do enjoy both. For those complaining all the girl rappers talk about is their vaginas, shoutout to Glo for her song about DV. Well I think it’s a DV song. “Put his hands on me and we’ll be smoking on his next.” I’m here for everybody keep their hands to themselves.

  7. matureyounglady@yahoo.com

    Very much looking forward to the end of this election. The disrespect directed at VP Harris has been incredibly disheartening. It is especially upsetting when it comes from black men. I’m convinced anyone that votes against her is both sexist and racist.

    I too don’t like Daylight savings time. I hate waking up to darkness and it being dark earlier.

  8. MattinAsheville

    Hey Rod and Karen, as y’all talk about Trump and the grifters that roll with him. There’s also the anti-government sycophants… like my father… who see Trump as the perfect candidate… my dad is convinced that Trump is the one who will stop the evil government from taking all his money (last time I checked I’m not slated to inherit much…). I suspect, most of the folks actually voting for Trump are like my father.

    Lastly, don’t worry, my wife and I already voted Dems all the way. Despite Asheville being an entire disaster.

    Be well. Love y’all.

    • MattinAsheville

      Follow up, Apia! How did I beat you to the post? You okay?

      • ApiafromGermany

        I have mixed feelings. I’m happy for you but wished I was faster.
        This week I told my Apia: business womaning isn’t easy.
        It was a often coming home at 2300 ( 11pm) and driving somewhere else at 7 am.
        At least sleeping at home was possible. Yeah it’s Friday!

        • ApiafromGermany

          I have mixed feelings. I’m happy for you but wished I was faster.
          This week I told Mr Apia: business womaning isn’t easy.
          It was a often coming home at 2300 ( 11pm) and driving somewhere else at 7 am.
          At least sleeping at home was possible. Yeah it’s Friday!

    • RoninRaphael

      Thank you for that Anti-govt point, they been getting away all this time. People killing me

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