A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

2999: Tyler Perry Presents: Marvel’s Blade A Madea Blood Hunt Part 3

Rod and Karen banter about Karen’s excellent checkup, Marvel removing “Blade” from the calendar and Panthers playing in Germany. Then they discuss election news, Diddy news, White People News and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    I was actually kind of sad to hear Harvey Weinstein was getting treatment for his cancer in prison. He doesn’t deserve treatment. Hope it’s painful because fuck him. This segment of white peoples news was chef’s kiss because it was bad things happening to bad people. I also hope the Abercrombie and Fitch dude never has a restful sleep for the rest of his life. What a piece of shit.

  2. ApiafromGermany

    I punish the panthers by continuing to ignore all sport events unless I’m actively participating.
    But I take them 10 times over your former president no matter how bad they are.

  3. RamseyDeeJenkins

    Five Stars.

  4. RoninRaphael

    I’m still holding hope for that Blade movie. Didn’t it take 8 years for Ant-Man to happen & Twitter acting like the world ended after Marvel dropped the 1st Director attached.

    Now bout them coons, upon further investigation, I believe that it was Donald, Paige, & Whitlock all being fed by that benevolent woman without sharing. But they hadn’t been going to their annual convention all these years. They forgot after their host added some fermented nuts to their cuisine & Marjorie saw them and said “hell nah, we eating where you’re eating” & every coon matched along with the round 3. So that’s how all the Coons were brought to the yard. Now for $1k an hour, I can help that woman. Won’t be a coon in sight after one week. Put me in touch with her!

  5. mikol-sounds-like-michael

    E. coli at McDonald’s starts spreading right after Trump goes behind the counter for fifteen minutes, and he said he always thought they were handling the food with their bare hands the whole time… Think about it!!

  6. himdeel

    Uh huh I knew it! Rod has been nutritionally abusing Karen with his salacious meals, tantalizing treats, and confectionery delights for at least the last two years and now we all know he’s been dragging her into healthier living, AND I for one am appalled. Karen blink twice, nah stop chewing and drop your fork if you’re in danger gurl!

    Real talk though Rod as the primary cook in my home, often times not wanting to sacrifice taste for healthier option, it truly is an exploration of new flavors and ingredients. So I just want to give you your flowers for holding your wife down and beating her but only with love and healthy food options.

  7. Shoebootie

    also… in “white people news” I’m the one in my neighborhood who got in trouble for feeding the deer. No one lets me be great! Defund the HOA!

  8. Shoebootie

    adding “prayers down, get well never” to my repertoire of disses.

    • ApiafromGermany

      My new one is when I think something isn’t my job: ” I don’t want to take away your opportunity for self improvement and personal development ”
      I say it at work but also to my kids when they leave dirty socks on the floor.

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