A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

3000: Think About It

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. matureyounglady@yahoo.com

    Why am I up here cheesing hard af as soon as I heard about the live show? Will I be in VIP? You damn right. So if you see me on South Tryon doing something strange, just wave because I’m getting my coins together for the live show which means I need a fresh TBGWT shirt. I’ve already started making plans with Mz Barnes to hang out before and after.

  2. HustleNoFlow

    Congrats on 3000.

    Last week I mentioned the CTG ads here, and you were hoping that maybe the tide was turning with viral clips of him with Anderson Cooper and others. Sadly, I’ve maybe seen those things once, but I see his adds on network tv all day, every day, and doubly during sporting events. I mean, can somebody sell a pizza or something to use up these ad slots? I don’t think his damage control outdid the damage, and I’m hoping he pays a price for that. And frankly, I hope it cools off all these other people rushing to bring him on their shows for political humor.

  3. EvieE

    Congratulations on 3000 episodes! I’m not sure when I started listening but I remember the days of groupie tales and hating ass Terrell Jones. This show kept me sane during the Dump years and has pushed me to view things in a way that I never have before. I could do without the Arby’s slander but other than that this is a five star show because Rod and Karen are hot!

    • Shoebootie

      chiming in to whisper slyly “I think Arbys is good too, EvieE.”

  4. mizzbarnes

    Congratulations on episode 3000+……..I know there is so much more behind the paywall!

  5. mikol-sounds-like-michael

    It’s such an honor to have my silly comment be the title of Queen Karen & King Rod’s 3000th episode!! I haven’t always been a frequent commenter, but I’ve been a big fan of the podcast for many years. I first heard Rod back on TWiB and I followed you on Twitter for a while before I finally got around to googling to find out what the #TBGWT hashtag I kept seeing in my feed meant. I’ve been hooked ever since! I saw you live at NegroCon (my husband and I were shy and didn’t say hi but we had the time of our lives) and I’ve been subscribing to premium for years. (Listeners, if you’re not Premium, you’re missing out!!) Much love to you both, Rod and Karen, and here’s to the next 3,000! <3

  6. Sean

    Rod & Karen, 3k episodes! Congratulations!
    Apia, good to have you around!

    Whenever someone tells me that they are thinking about Trump, I say, “you mean the son of a Nazi?” which sometimes gets them thinking… I even had a student say that Elon supporting him must mean he’s not all bad, to which I said, “you mean the son of an Apartheid land baron?” It doesn’t work every time, but I like to set the frame that these rightwing racist nutjobs are not people we should consider legitimate in any way. Neither of them fell far from their rotten racist trees, and they are both nuts.

  7. PamelaM8

    Congratulations on your 3000th episode!!!!! I’ll continue to listen for as long as y’all want to do it!


  8. MattinAsheville

    I’m short about my Dad, yes. He’s all of it.

    To get long (and please skip this if you’re not feeling hearing about racist white people), the anti-government sentiment is what my dad likes to lead with. It’s what he’s convinced himself, as a lifelong Republican who voted for Obama (once) is the reason he’s all in for Trump. The full truth is he’s always been comfortable with xenophobia, sexism, racism, etc. He raised me to be anti-government, never trust a politician, and if you don’t vote you can’t complain. I only retained the last lesson. He’ll tell the anecdote of finally getting a raise while Trump was in office as the reason he’s pro-T… as if somehow Trump personally told his boss to give him a raise, ignoring the fact that it says more about how greedy his bosses were (cause you know they raised what they were charging for labor). “But ya’ see Trumps a business man so he’s not a liar like the rest…” and when you push he deflects to “well what good have the Democrats done” and no matter how long the list is it’s never good enough. My dad is easily swayed by the dog whistles and fear mongering, mostly I presume due to a lack of education and introspection. When I’ve challenged him indirectly on his transphobia I thought I had made some headway, but when we discuss Trump it’s like we’re back to square one. *sigh* I’ll keep working on, he is my dad after all and was there for me more than his father for him. He raised me to be better and I’m working to raise my kids to be even better.

    Sorry for unloading this here, dad never really came up in therapy… mom and other shit were in the way…

    Thanks again for this show for all that you do. I hope to come to a live show when we stabilize our lives.

    Sorry for going deep and airing my family laundry in your space.

    Fucking white people.

    • ApiafromGermany

      Im glad you did!
      My father isn’t as bad, but he can fall into the “the ones up there ( unclear what this means, it could be politicians or millionaires, a better explanation isn’t given) are stealing from us and lying to us hard working people”
      And he has a fear that other immigrants ( we are also immigrants here, even if I married a German man who works for the German state) will take away everything we have. Or the Chinese. Even without immigrating.
      What doesn’t fit into his world view is the Apia family is doing pretty great. He is happy, it also confused. How can it be? But he is helpful with the kids and extremely reliable and family oriented. So that’s good.

  9. RoninRaphael

    Also, I love my fellow TBGWT nation 3000. Ya’ll get a holiday discount (sorry can’t offer military discount yet) to the next big event on the horizon. It’s gonna be so great. Hurry claim your offer before Oct 31st. Two 1st class tickets for two anywhere, just say you’re a guest of (insert my government name.)

  10. RoninRaphael

    Yes, what an amazing start to the week. Congratulations on episode 3000 and congratulations to myself for 6 years of podcasting. So I finally get to say this to ya’ll, I love you 3000!

    In Arnold Schwarzenegger voice “Hasta la Vista babe” or in English I’ll be back with a brand new multiuniversal hustle. Since we’re celebrating, I won’t make Rod speak Arabic today. I’m I not a nice guy?

  11. ApiafromGermany

    Good explanation about p.o.c for Trump because they don’t want to be victims.
    I think they think ” when I’m in his corner, he will be in mine and see that I’m not like the other victims.”
    It’s like when poor people vote for parties who promise lower taxes especially for higher incomes. Poor white people mostly here. They don’t want to accept that they are the ones who need the support payed by taxes. They vote to make my taxes go down. I mean thank you but im good.

    Even the image of me as the queen of white women seems like a great photo opportunity, I’m so glad it didn’t go this way. Seems dangerous ( you know how some of us are) and also im already very busy. ( work, family, dog, yoga, writing them good comments, the list goes on) Is this even something you can refuse? Seems also dangerous.

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