A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

3001: Judgement Falling Off The Bone

Rod and Karen banter about movie theater experience, Hornets game and Barbie project friendship. Then they discuss election news, Diddy news, Candace Owens having her visa cancelled by Australia, &Pizza’s Marrionberry knots and sword ratchetness.

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  1. EvieE

    It sounds like Candace Owens cooned a little too close to the sun. Good because fuck her.

  2. Shoebootie

    &Pizza is a crappy franchise of gentrified pizza. There would have been a way better way to honor a local legend than a tone-def mocking dessert, where it’s less about the “berry” pun and more about the crack joke. They could have had some kind of berry-themed dessert without being shitty about it. It’s a dracarys.

  3. cpshelton

    I was about to leave a comment telling you to clip out that “Judgment falling off the bone” bit for social media but seeing as you made it the title of the episode I’m guessing you’re on it! As Rod would say, “That’s a bar!”

    Personally I think coons like Candace Owens, Mark Robinson, Shelley Wynter, etc. should be excluded from the F***in’ with Black People segment. They are often the ones doing it to us rather than the ones being f***ed with. I’d always give them a zero and play that clip of the woman saying “Think I’m supposed to feel sorry for that ***? I don’t.” How about a new separate segment just for them? You could call it “Coon & The Gang”

    When you read the story of the CEO trying to claim that his Marionberry knots had nothing to do with Marion Barry, all I could think of was that sound clip “Just call them n***as” and you made the same point with “N***a knots”

    Thanks for all the facts, fun, and laughs in every episode!

  4. Sean

    If they had used rock sugar with the Marionberry Knots and done it as a promotion, free side, maybe… but, as per your survey, they don’t look that good…

  5. mikol-sounds-like-michael

    Rod you cracked me up when you said to Karen, “Behind all those ‘sweetie’s and ‘baby’s, you’re just a furnace of rage.”
    I’m here for Karen’s Outrage segment. I can hear the theme music now: “Outrage! Rant to meeee!”

    • himdeel

      I agree! Hilarious! And it made me think of Bruce Banner, when he generally said “I’m always angry!”

      Karen is always outraged and baby, sweetie, I’m here for it! It happens to us all Karen, and everyone places their outrage somewhere. Mine is at the post office when people carry on whole ass conversation with the postal worker, instead of buying yo stamps, paying for postage, and moving the hell on!

      Rod you are an awesome straight man and Karen makes you even funnier or more of the straight man, when she bust through your joke walls like the Kool Aid! Ahhhh maaan Chefs kiss!

  6. Sean

    In my head there are two sound effects that I hear, that you don’t play…

    one is a gunshot followed by a clangy triple ricochet and ending in the grunt from the swordfight sound effect whenever anyone catches a stray…

    The other is the reverberating thud of a boot hitting a hardwood floor whenever someone stomps on a joke… And I heard that thud so hard this episode.

    RIP Barbie’s friendship in the projects joke… you had such a bright future but your time was cut short…

  7. ApiafromGermany

    I don’t know where Barbie is living nowadays but maybe she moved to Europe and needs the black friendship project like I do. I suggest she starts listening to TBGHT as an entrance and gives K and R some of the Barbie money as a premium subscriber.

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