A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

3009: CaKe CaKe CaKes

Rod and Karen banter about ear cleaning, AI phone commercials, 3rd lane on a bridge, Black/Dark Soy Sauce, and hijinks attending the Hornets games. Then they discuss Jaime Harrison not running for reelection, RFK joining Trump’s administration, Muslims who voted for Trump regretting it already and what this election was a backlash to.

Black Friday Sale

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  1. EvieE

    Anyone who claims they regret their vote is either lying or extremely stupid. They know what the first term was like but they didn’t care so even though most of us will suffer I hope they suffer the most. Fuck them.

  2. Sean

    I’m not sure I would call what Joe Rogan does “having a conversation” rather than letting idjits rant. Also, it’s easier to let idjits rant on the right because they feel hate speech is acceptable.

    I would like to see media on the left be much better at being educational, informative, and open. At the individual level I find people on the left are willing to allow people to learn and to have actual conversations much more so than people on the right. However, I think the image of the liberal in public media is much more of an issue than actual liberals.

    When CNN is considered left of center (based on what I’ve seen of them, they tend to lean center right) and Harris has to be Flawless while trump can be Lawless (to paraphrase van Jones) it is a very difficult media environment for centrists or leftists to move forward.

  3. mikol-sounds-like-michael

    I echo the thanks for continuing to cover the election and the fallout. Like Karen, I made the decision for my mental health to step back from paying attention to the news every day. But I agree that it’s important to still stay informed. Getting this news with the spoonful of honey of hearing you both give your thoughts makes it more bearable to hear. Thanks for making the best podcast in the world.

  4. RoninRaphael

    I don’t mean to sound this way, but it’s technically still pumpkin spice season. The breakdown of the push backs, the Joe Rogans and Dave Chappelle… goddaaaaaaaaam that was deep. That’s why this is the NUMBER ONE, NUMERO UNO, NUMMER EINS Podcast In The World! Take that to the bank, to the World Bank. I Love Ya’ll. You made my day especially my meals taste good all day anytime I thought about this breakdown. Damn you’re good. In Wakandan accent “Give This Podcast an Award and Sign up for the full package!” If you ever turn grifter, I don’t know if I can be mad lmao. Arby’s bring the money here!

  5. Mary

    Thank you Rod and Karen for continuing to cover the post-election news. I appreciate both the pragmatic coverage, as well as the opportunity to get the frustration out. Karen, I am still mad they made Biden step down. Anyway, Rod, the thought you put into your commentary on what this election was a backlash to had me thinking something I’ve thought of before — Rod, you are a public intellectual. Your medium is unconventional, but you are nonetheless a unique voice that can translate complex ideas into an accessible way. This is one reason why TBGWT is my fave podcast. Keep up the good work!

    • ApiafromGermany

      I agree.

    • RoninRaphael

      on the public intellectuals. Put that on a Tshirt Rod or better a plaque. I say we get the Nobel People on it.

  6. Sean

    I mean, there was only one legitimate candidate running for president, & she was the one I wanted four years ago. So, no regrets for my vote!

  7. ApiafromGermany

    I don’t care who regrets what, everything was clear in the open and will be mad forever at anyone who voted for him.
    You knew what you did, person.

    • ClassicRandBLover

      Exactly Apia. They voted about of hatred for others and fucked themselves in the process. What’s that old saying about when digging a grave for someone else, make sure to dig one for yourself. I don’t want to hear anyone’s boo-hoos about buyer’s remorse.

      • ClassicRandBLover

        Typo—It should read, “They voted out of hatred for others…”

      • ApiafromGermany

        That’s what I thought too.
        You want a hateful person in charge who only hates others, but is nice to you even that you belong to a marginalized group? This is like befriending a scorpion in this story with the river. Or marrying an abuser. It’s not working, you are not so special.

        • ClassicRandBLover

          Right again. I am with Karen. Will I vote, yes. Will I phone bank, contribute to campaigns, talk to people about voting. No. The bare minimum is all you get from me from this day forward. Good luck America. You will get exactly what you deserve. You like it, I love it. All empires eventually fall, the country will continue to stand, like Greece, Rome, etc, but once their role as the major power broker of the world left, it did not return. It is what it is.

          • ApiafromGermany

            I think this is the only way to keep some sanity.
            What I also thought is, imagine, there was no presidential campaign from any side only maybe the week before. Like it was forbidden to campaign before or something.
            The results would be pretty much the same, because in Americas “ the winner takes it all “ system that’s how it works. One side would win or the other without the spectacle. So I think consuming less of the spectacle is an act of rebellion. ( and of course voting the sane way in the end, this is not an both sides argument, it’s a the system is bad argument)

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