A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

3014: Drake’s Ol’ Habeas Corpus Ass

Rod and Karen banter about kids at the Hornets game, why don’t boy toys promote household labor, dip n dots, and diagonal cut sandwiches. Then they discuss Drake suing everybody, white people news and sword ratchetness.

Black Friday Sale

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  1. Ssgtballard

    There is a boys version of easy oven that has the same shitty food as the original version. It seems cooking is the only home chore that has crossed over into being allowed for both sexes

  2. himdeel

    Drake is a whole ass bitch! A lawsuit?! There ain’t nothin he can say right now but “I’m a jealous bitch!” and admit it to our face. He don’t understand how this rap thing is supposed to go. He just visiting and shit got hot and he called the cops for his Karen ass behavior. Because he not like us. He is a whole ass white woman. And he keeps showing us he ain’t a part of this culture.

  3. EvieE

    Admittedly, I’m no expert in hip hop history but I’m going to go out on a limb and say Aubrey suing over Not Like Us is the most bitch ass thing in the history of rap since it came out 50 years ago.
    I honestly think this could have gone away by now if not for his actions. He’s spent the past months trying to prove to everyone he’s unbothered when in fact he clearly is. He’s the most bothered unbothered person I’ve ever seen. Between the subliminal social media messages, him releasing videos no one cares about and now this lawsuit, he’s making himself look like such a loser. If he would have gracefully taken his L and went on vacation and come back with a dance hit people would have moved on as well but his ego wouldn’t let him and now he’s going out so sad. I’m almost embarrassed for him but he’s had this coming for a while.

  4. mikol-sounds-like-michael

    I literally can’t imagine Drake doing anything worse than this for his image. But I agree with Rod, I need this to go to trial so they can do discovery and find out what this weirdo is actually up to. It would be so messy!

  5. RoninRaphael

    I’m just a simple man, drinking my Glühwein and chilling in Apia’s country until the weekend screaming
    MUSTAAAAAAAARD at random while I cook up something good before a tariffs strike. Lo and behold, he with no middle names just attacked me. I had my headphones on, brand new shave, ready to petition that Drake can’t have Through the Fire song & I got shot 4x. I demand a retraction immediately, my links might be occasionally 8 mins long, but they work sir. I am a professional with a middle name. Don’t make me buy you MUSTAAAAAAAARD. Meanwhile, your breakdown made me realize why someone I know personally has been celebrating Drake’s lawsuit as a gotcha on Kendrick. He didn’t vote for VP Harris and claims to be a Hiphop head that hates Kendrick, so for him Drake won. I didn’t expect this battle to expose a closet MAGA but the more I listened to his reasoning, it’s like I wouldn’t be surprised if Aubrey met this guy and sued afterwards. Match made in lameness!

    Hope every TBGWT family had a lovely Thanksgiving or holiday weekend. Got to find a new link now. Challenge accepted!

  6. ApiafromGermany

    From a legal standpoint, if you sue someone, don’t you have to show that you were harmed by their action and how? And put it somehow in money terms?
    So if they didn’t do x you would have made so much more money? I can’t really see how someone else being Nr 1 in the charts harms Drake besides him being envious. Or that he could prove how he otherwise would be Nr 1 and put a money number on it, especially that the beef between them give them both more exposure. But maybe in America it’s different. Lots of things are different in America.

  7. earnestdotcom

    As a DJ, may I please have more information on how to get paid for playing “Not Like Us”? Do remixes count? I have a Kidz Bop style parody called ” We Ride The Bus”. If I’m playing an event that requires edited music, can I get some of this payola for playing that? Times is hard and I’m trying to update my iPhone before the tariffs kick in.

    Love y’all! Thanks for the show, and shout out to the chat room.

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