A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

LSG 57: Weedza

Karen is back with 100% more Rod on a Black Friday to provide you with another serving of Lip Smacking Goodness. In Spicy News they discuss McDonald’s has McRib Sauce for sale, McDonald’s investing 100 mil to get customers back, TGI Fridays filing for bankruptcy protection, Red Lobster not bringing back endless shrimp, McDonald’s post the biggest loss in 4 years, Wendy’s 3.99 Spicy Chicken sandwich promotion, PS5 Pizza Hut, Krabby Patty meal, Popeyes 5 dollar deal, Tuscon McDonald’s forced to take down big ass mascot, McDonald’s can fix their own ice cream machines, Burker King pickle fries and the 10 most unhealthiest / healthiest fast food sandwiches in America. In Meals of the Week they discuss PhoGoodTime and Spinello’s Magic Pizza. For Cook Dat Nigga Rod discusses his journey of making the perfect Oyster Sauce Chicken dish. Finally, they discuss YOUR feedsmack. Thank you so much for listening!


  1. PamelaM8

    Salutations Queen Karen and 100% more Rod! Following up on a previous episode, I was able to get the Krispy Kreme donut from McDonald’s with my coffee! They have glazed, chocolate iced and chocolate iced with sprinkles.

    It’s gotta be tough for fast food restaurants now. $4 and $5 sandwiches/meals will get people in the door but it’s not sustainable, and when the prices go back up to the $8-$11 range, why go there when for a few dollars more, you can get a better meal from a local restaurant? I wish them all well.

    Rod, regarding your Oyster Sauce Chicken meal, yes, I’ve found Asian recipes take practice! I’ve rarely gotten it right the first time through, because we all know what good Asian food tastes like! If the chicken/sauce ratio is messed up, it just won’t work. I say this knowing that you’re a better and more experienced cook than I am! But I’m getting better.

    Love to eat! Love your show!


  2. Sean

    To clarify: chitosan is found in shrimp tails. I was saying that while eating shrimp tails can help prevent the absorption of fat, there is no social obligation to eat them. Sorry, about my lack of clarity in the prior comment, in my defense I was homeless in a foreign country at the time…

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