A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

PG 429: Bad Bitches Are Anemic

Rod, Justin, and Karen discuss the nighttime Thanksgiving parade, Thanksgiving brunch, teeth whitening, Justin’s nephew’s football season over, Justin’s heat went out, the Hornets game, 5K fund raiser, Kendrick Lamar tickets, getting some new headphones, Black Friday sales, listener feedback and reality TV news.

1 Comment

  1. chubbzero

    What up rod, Karen and jan Latham. You know I remember a few years ago when Emanuel acho said some slick shit about shacarri richardson and van had him on his show and totally destroyed the guy. It was totally warranted, he should have. Fast forward to 2024 and the god emcee kendrick lamar is taking white comedians to task for disrespecting black women. So I’m listening to van’s podcast thinking he’s gonna really get at Andrew Schultz for basically saying he would s.a. kendrick and all he did was just spit word salad basically making a joke about it. I didn’t know van was such a fuckboy. He and charlamagne really caping for this white dude.what a shame. The best responses I heard about all of this was you guys and also Jenkins and Jones where they basically said “fuck Andrew Schultz!” And I couldn’t agree more! Since the election, I have not watched any news, I have no desire to hear what degenerate trump has nominated for his cabinet or how he won’t be prosecuted for crimes he’s obviously guilty of. My only news outlets are y’all and urban view . It’s really been therapeutic to hear yall talk about it. Especially yesterday’s show with Andy and Randolph. [3 guys on] alright, hope you guys have a great weekend!

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