A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

3029: See You Next Year

Rod and Karen banter about Rod’s gym journey, Karen likes blankets, Drake is unbelievable, and healthcare CEOs are in heaven. Then they discuss Jimmy Carter dying at age 100, Club 520 has Charleston White on their show,  top 10 moments in podcasting in 2024, Mississippi Valley State performing at the inauguration, a racist landlord headed to prison, man arrested for 100k in child support, McDonald’s employee shoots Doordash driver, Chipotle customer attacks employee and sword ratchetness.

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Will Jeff Teague apologize for having Charleston White on his podcast?


  1. EvieE

    I like to be wrapped in my blanket when I’m at home too even in the summer time when the air conditioner is too cold, I’ll be in some shorts and tshirt but I will wrap myself up in my blanket and I refuse to turn the air conditioner down. I made the best purchase of my life last month when I found a fleece blanket hoodie that I have worn everyday day around the house. I got mine at Costco for 20 bucks. #teamblanket

    Is Charleston White a rapper? I have ever only heard of him when he’s said something stupid. Is he like the male Azaelia Banks?

  2. Shoebootie

    “He just says a lot of ignorant shit” can be said of most dude’s podcasts.

  3. Sean

    As long as the MVSU Band plays Not Like Us I think I can support them, because trump is known for playing in A minor…

  4. RoninRaphael

    Play Rod is right before I even begin. Technically, I should have a song by now but that’s not why I’m here. You know when I ruled out that the using Jimmy Carter to shit on Obama? 2016 elections, I had mofos pumped and when they brought it up, I pointed out that the Clinton Foundation was doing plenty of great work for many communities of color around the world. Orange pos had just promised his paycheck to the national parks and some donations to vets (both flew into the abis but hey Obama) and I asked the guys being all loud about Clinton why Trump never gave a dime to homeless vets until he won the GOP ticket? That’s when the cracks began to appear, they don’t care it’s just good for winning a social media flexing. Apply that same energy to everyone but naaaaaaah. Welcome to 2025 folks, I’m selling new crusades now. In fact, we gonna match to Jerusalem and overthrow Netanyanhu. By we = you who paid. I’ll be on vacation like the Pope during the original crusade. It ain’t a scam if I give you holy water from the River Jordan!

  5. ApiafromGermany

    Of course I agree on Jimmy Carter and I ad:
    Nostalgia is dangerous.
    People tend to think that people in the past were better, less egoistic, less violent and more pro community. This is a lie. There were always exceptional people, and also terrible people.
    Think the awful stuff that happened in past because some wanted it to happen.
    No matter what the evidence says ( facts, like statistics on violent crime, it was worst in the 90-ties but people think the worst is today) the past seem so much better to many, I think because it’s over and revisionist history can do its work and because dead or at least retired people can’t do new shit that disappoints, or less at least.

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