Rod and Karen banter about how using an Amazon kiosk made Rod think about a deeper societal point. They they do a round-up of political news.
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When Karen was doing her breakdown of the banter, it reminded me of a friends recent post on FB about how she was so happy about her boys being interested in going to see the latest Sonic movie cause she had been dying to see it and no one in her house was interested at first. I asked why didn’t she just go see it by herself? She’s still active duty, and has access to the theater on base (way cheaper than regular theater prices). She responded that it would look weird going to see a kids movie by herself. I tried talking her out of it, but few years ago, I was the same and wouldn’t even see any movie without a friend or date. After living in a city without any friends for over a year, I realized that I could walk to a cinema 10 minutes away. Started with MCU and slowly allowed myself to see other films before realizing, it was all in my head the judgement!
I was never as Karen suggested especially encouraged by my parents to try new stuff, they wanted me to be a perfect rule follower who only had A plus grades and never created any problems. Only perfection was accepted.
This worked until I was probably 14 and good. I’m now always the person who tries new ways and often see rules as a suggestion. ( not in a criminal way, but I will break rules if I have to)
It doesn’t go away with age.
I try to teach my kids that some rules are only suggestions, but it’s hard.
Must be Mr Apias influence.