A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

3035: Levity and Laughter


Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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  1. JLCauvin

    I can’t remember if your most recent Baldoni-Lively discussion was in the feedback episode, but I did find it more validation of the JL Jinx. First Baldoni basically got found out within an hour of me posting I was with him. Then, I was forced to be a Ryan Reynolds fan with “Nice Deadpool” trolling Baldoni… after doing an entire episode of ROYP dedicated to how annoying Ryan Reynolds is.

  2. Nebz

    I’ve never heard or seen Steven A Smith in my entire life, so I can only assume that he sounds exactly like Rods impression of him

    • ApiafromGermany

      100% same. For me, Rod is the bigger star. I know him.

  3. EvieE

    I meant to leave this comment in the last week’s feedback but to answer Karen’s question about listening to non English music, I do. All the time. Having been a Zumba instructor I had access to a lot of music from all over the world especially Latin music, there are so many artists I was exposed to and listen to regularly. Also as an anime and k drama fan I love the music and if there’s a particular song I like I seek it out on iTunes to add to my library. I have so many Korean and Japanese songs on my music catalogue you would think I speak the language. But a good song is a good song.

    As for my hate of Christmas decorations, I got some good news from my HOA this week, they implemented a new rule that all Christmas decorations have to be down by the 20th of this month so a victory for cold hearted beyotches like me. Sorry Karen. By the way, I live on the east coast so the fires on the west coast weren’t my fault. 😀

  4. Shoebootie

    Can’t fall in love with a candle from TJ Maxx… that’s a one night stand, you’ll never find it again. I recently got a candle warmer lamp that I’m in love with… makes candles last a lot longer than burning them and has an even better scent throw.

  5. RoninRaphael

    I just found out that Black Bears hustled us and can compete in Guess The Race without other bears involved. I move the motion to bench them (you know I respect a good hustle).

    Might want to save this video for another episode even banter, it is PROOF

  6. Jynener

    Don’t forget the red pandas! We got a full slate for guess the race. I’m probably going to hell for that one.

  7. ApiafromGermany

    I was researching more about the logistics of a big amount of money for sex and realized how different our countries are. Sex work is legal in Germany, when adults do it.
    So you could just pay income tax on that money, and it would be fine.

    What you couldn’t do is just get 1.5 million as a gift. Here you would also have to pay taxes.
    In your country there is as I have seen something called lifetime gift tax limit.
    The 2024 lifetime gift limit is $13.61 million, that’s the amount you can receive in your lifetime tax free.
    1. How specific.
    2. That’s a lot.
    3. How many people really benefit here? And what kind of people? How often did you TBGHT listeners receive millions as a gift? I unfortunately 0 times.
    4. The tax that isn’t payed here could be used for let’s say, free college.

    I am still thinking about it.

    • rexsoleil

      I’ll bet you $13.61 million USD that some fat cat in power set the limit at $13.61 because their son’s birthday was coming up and they were pushing $13.59 million. “Oh no, no, no! Thaddeus needs his little gift from papa. Don’t worry, Thaddeus: papa won’t let his terrible allergy to taxes get in the way of you getting your birthday check.”

      • ApiafromGermany

        That’s what I thought, too!
        Most people will never make 13,61 millions in their lives,
        Not even me, at big pharma, unless I really get a significant promotion to CEO, or really step up my scam game, and i already promised to ROD and the chat i wouldn’t.

    • RoninRaphael

      I guess I need rich friends so I can try out this benefit, then fire them afterwards and return back to old broke friends. Thanks for the knowledge!

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