Rod and Karen are joined by AC and Jake of the MCU University Podcast to discuss their origin story, why they decided to cover the MCU, movie fans vs comic book fans, kids vs adults, MCU vs DCEU, Sony Spiderman movies, how streaming changed how we consume content, how knowing too much about movies can ruin them, studio politics deciding which shows get renewed and how the MCU prepared us for Trump returning.
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Big fan of the MCU and MCU University, always enjoy ya’ll chatting it up.
One thing I had started doing just before I connected with TBGWT was stopping to watch that Cinema Sins & a bunch of others that I used to follow on YouTube. As soon as I connected with you guys, I unsubscribed and it helped my movie watching experience. I no longer watch trailer breakdowns except if I’m not going to see the movie in the theater. I watch the 1st trailer and that’s enough for me, I’ll see ya on the opening Thursday night. After I have seen & enjoyed the movie for good or bad, will I check out reviews (usually yours 1st) & Easter Eggs /Breakdowns. Since I stopped going on that info search & watching or listening to them wild channels, I have enjoyed a lot. Does it feel like I’m the only one watching what I watch sometimes? YES, but that’s fine and I am at peace with it. I’ll rather that than shit on everything then cry when we got nothing.