Rod and Karen banter taking care of yourself before you get sick, DayQuil and NyQuil, a gangbang playlist, a camera in the wild, having a great day, and calling the police. Then they discuss booty diamonds, bodyguard app sketchy, Jonathan marries Megan, new social media study drops, a porn star falls to her death off a hotel balcony, Who News, Quez 2RR, Ashton Hall, RG3 on Jackie Robinson, man robs fast food restaurant after his card was declined, man throws food on his wife, ear bitten off in Spring Break brawl and sword ratchetness.
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There may be a lot of people trying to out-top each other on OF, but beware of those trying to out-bottom each other. They’re the really freaky ones…
[Amazing Grace played in an organ over the sounds of wailing and gnashing of teeth]
We are here today to honour the young pure soul, taken before its time, Great Day Joke Morrow. It sprung onto this earth with a furious setup and pristine delivery. Alas, for all the mastery of timing, the young joke’s time was over almost before it had begun. Like the naked blonde joke from Breakfast Club, we will never see it grow into glorious punchline. Let us take a moment of silence in memory of this young joke and hope that it being yes anded in heaven.
I knew that Brother Rod was going to drop my name as soon as he saw the Bodyguard Service App. Unbeknownst to ya’ll, I had already checked them out and knew that they ain’t got NOTHING on my Orcas Sea Security Services (OSSS). Tested and trusted, if you fail to pay, we sink your yatch, if your enemy fucking up, we sink their yatch too. They don’t got middle names, double the price (for background checking). We don’t offer security on land yet, but earth is covered by more water so holler and get you an Orca protection. You deserve it!
Nobody fucks with an orca. I need Orca music, Felt Five Do your thing!
Rod, your good day is probably a great day for others.
You get to be youself and hang out with queen Karen. Do the great podcast. Sounds great to me!
I get older, I have lots of stress but I don’t get sick anymore.
Last time I was sick was Dezember 2023 and it was covid.
I didn’t have a cold, a sniff or anything else since.
My body seems to kill every intruder immediately. How did I do it and how can I make money of it? I don’t know. I want to know!
I trained myself to sleep earlier, I sleep from 2200 to 0600, maybe that’s it?