A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

Category: Blog Post (Page 10 of 16)

Tattoo Coming! (138/130)

We did it! Thanks guys! Looks like we made it to 138 currently. You guys stepped up and got it done! We believed in you and you turned around and showed that you believe in us! I appreciate you guys for putting in on this. You’ve freed us up to be hard at work on the podcast. Now let’s talk about that work. We did new episodes of “Balls Deep Sports”, “The Nerd Off” and “Medium Talk”.

They’re all up on the RSS feed too. Last week we finally unveiled the RSS feeds for all of those who’ve been requesting them. If you’re a premium subscriber just head on over to the TBGWT Premium Page and scroll to the bottom. We also did our first ever Premium only Live Spreecast for the latest episode of “Balls Deep Sports” and it went off without a hitch. We plan on doing another one this Saturday at 5pm EST for “The Nerd Off”. Make sure your email account is correct on your profile with the site or you may not receive the email.

Guest Spots:

Rod was on “We Watch Ratchet” with Phenomblak, Kriss and H2OKev to do a live commentary on the movie “Lock Out”.

And lastly shout out to the homey Clove from the Chonilla.com Podcast. He made my tattoo friendly version of the logo last week. Gonna have this on my forearm soon!


Isn’t it beautiful?


9 More Days To Go And My Forearm Is Safe! (121/130)

Man you guys have been awesome. You’ve gone beyond the call of duty. People are taking notice of how committed you guys are and it’s wonderful! I’m definitely getting a “TBGWT” tattoo but if we get to 130 by 6/16th then I’m getting a tattoo friendly version of our logo. We’re currently at 121 premium subscribers out of 130 with 9 days to go. Can we get there? I’m so happy I could cry but also… a little scared. But only a little. You can find out how to sign up for a Premium membership by going HERE.

We didn’t just chill the whole week though. Chill? Chill don’t pay the bills. Here’s what we’ve been up to. We posted Spoiled Movie Reviews for After Earth and Pain and Gain. Plus we did the 4th episodes of The Nerd Off, Balls Deep Sports and Lip Smacking Good all which can be found from the Premium page.

We also did some guest spots on our favorite podcasts.

Rod was on the Fiyastarter.com  Podcast

Karen was on 2 Brothas 2 Mics Podcast



Rod was on The Insanity Check Podcast 397: This Is Retarded

This Is Me Looking At My Phone. (96/100)


How many? But it’s not even June yet!

Ya’ll really don’t fuck around.

Many people doubt that an audience composed of mostly black folks can be monetized for something so technical as a podcast. Well FUCK those people! Ya’ll didn’t even need the full month to get to 100 premium subscriptions. And I’m a man of my word so when we get to 100 I’m getting a tattoo. But, (and I may regret this later) I say we up the ante! We have until the 16th of June before the bet is final right? We get to 130 by the 16th of June and I’ll get the LOGO on my arm too. And instead of the upper arm which is easily covered by a t-shirt I’ll get the tattoo on my forearm where the entire world will know about it! (Non Jack Off Arm)

I’m sitting here this morning contemplating on Wu-Tang having the most innovative entrance into hip hop of all time while listening to “Return To The 36 Chambers”. I’m posting up old archived episodes to the site, emailing potential show guest and watching my phone in amazement as more Paypal alerts flash on my iPhone. This is my work day now. All possible because you guys believe in the podcast and by extension… US. Thank you.


If We Get To 130 By The 6/16 I’m Gonna Be Looking Like This! LOL

So in addition to all that what else have we been up to this week? Well we’ve officially integrated the site for monetization. This means no more emails to me to “activate” your account. You get instant access. If you’re a free member you just have to click on the “premium content” link and it’ll bring you to a screen to pay for access immediately. I’m still tech support for any issues you have that can’t be solved with a refresh, log-in or change of password.

We did episode 3 of The Nerd Off, Lip Smacking Good, Medium Talk and Balls Deep Sports! To get the premium content right away just go HERE. Enjoy!

But that’s not all. We’ve also been doing guest spots over the past week. We grind hard! The links are below but as always you can find these on iTunes and Stitcher by searching the show titles.

Rod was on “Where’s My 40 Acres” episode 274 “Yeezus Walks”.

Rod was on episode 300 of Chonilla.Com Podcast “Hawt Mic XVI” after being chatnapped on Facebook.

The Tattoo Count And More (63/100)


Well it looks like I may have stepped in it. I challenged listeners to get us to 100 premium subscriptions and it looks like you guys are speeding right along. The current count is at 63 and I’m sort of scared of all the people who get paid this Friday or the 1st of the month. But it’s a good fear like when Jesse did speed on “Saved By The Bell.” I think I’m going to put a month time limit on this thing. So by June 14th we have 100 premium subscriptions or I’m not getting a tat.

If you’ve been paying attention to the site this week then you know we’re hard at work. We just recently switched over to a dedicated server. No more “this site is unavailable” pages for you guys (hopefully). Getting a dedicated server is something that we can afford to do now because so many of you have already subscribed to our premium content. Thank you.

If you were very lucky you got the Keith and The Girl Stand Up Athon video completely free of charge. We’ve posted the first 30 episodes of our archived content. You can go back and hear the show from it’s roots. We’ve released 2 more episodes of Spoiled Movie Reviews, another Lip Smacking Good, The Nerd Off, Medium talk and Balls Deep. You can find links to all these shows by clicking HERE. Just click on the pictures and they’ll take you right to the page.

I interviewed the notorious and sometimes controversial Chey B for Medium Talk. Karen talked to Sanura Weathers of “My Life Runs on Food” on Lip Smacking Good. And the rest of the shows have many guests that you know and love talking sports, nerd culture and movies.

We also did some guest appearances on other people’s podcasts. You can find those by going HERE.  We’re working harder than ever and you guys are the reason we can afford to take chances.

Who Wants A Free Stand-Up Video Of 22 Amazing Comedians?

Not you? Oh, okay. Sorry to have bothered you.

Now that they’re gone, everyone else who loves laughing and free stuff why don’t you read the rest of this post? As you guys know we’re huge fans of Keith and the Girl. Our friends at KATG have provide an exclusive freebee for all the listeners of The Black Guy Who Tips Podcast. What do you have to do to get it?

Simply click on the image below to be taken to KATG’s Stand-up-athon page. KATG recently had 18 of the hottest comedians in NYC perform 2 minutes of stand up apiece for a grand prize of $500. There can only be one winner. So your job is to view this video and then go place a vote. See? It’s simple. To get the video at absolutely no cost to yourself simply use the code: BLACKTIP


Only 10 people can get this video for free so act fast!

Will I Get A Tattoo? (30/100)

018 (800x462)

TBGWT Premium Sign Up Page

If we get to 100 PayPal monthly subscribers for TBGWT Premium I promise to get a tattoo of the “#TBGWT” logo. Can the fans make this happen? Well, I’m writing this right now to keep you updated and involved on our progress. Right now our current number of monthly subscribers is 30 and it’s only been 4 days since we announced the TBGWT Premium service. As I stare at my currently unblemished arm I’m starting to get nervous because you guys might actually make this happen! I’m embracing this feeling because that’s how everything has felt since I was laid off. I work harder now than I did at my 40 hour a week job because this show is a 24 hour 7 day a week obligation of love.

It’s been a very eventful week for us at The Black Guy Who Tips and we have to thank you fans for all of the support you’ve shown us thus far. We’ve launched our spin-off shows, started TBGWT Premium and have continued our new 5 shows per week format. We couldn’t take these steps with out you. So thank you so much just for actually valuing our time and efforts. A lot of people think we’re crazy to go out on a limb and rely upon our audience to actually show monetary support for all our hard work. You continue to prove them wrong every day.

When I lost my job almost 2 months ago I tried to think of it not as losing my main source of income but gaining an opportunity to fulfill my potential. If it wasn’t for you guys I wouldn’t have a goal to work towards. It really feels like I’m sailing into the unknown here and putting more faith in people than I ever have before. I feel like the work we’ve done and continue to do is definitely worth it.

The question is “What is TBGWT worth to listeners?” I guess we’ll find out the answer together. As a podcast listener myself I know what it’s like to have a show take your mind away from whatever mundane task is at hand while you’re in your cubicle at work. While for the vast majority of shows it’s free to listen at the same time it’s also priceless.

Karen and I have let the audience into our lives episode by episode over the course of the last 3 years. We’ve done so much to cultivate the coolest audience in podcasting bar none but TBGWT Premium gives us the chance to do even more. I’ve always stressed that you guys don’t owe use anything and you still don’t. We’ll continue doing the main show and providing it completely free of charge. TBGWT Premium gives us the chance to have our feet on solid ground when making plans for the show. It gives us something we can count on when it comes to paying our bills. Even though the checks from my employer stopped… the bills didn’t. Can you believe that?

You can look forward to more spin off shows coming this week. We have our first ever “Medium Talk” where I talked to a phone sex operator about her job in addition to additional episodes of all the other spin off shows from last week. We’ve got you guys covered because you guys cover us.

TBGWT Premium


This page is for fans who go above and beyond the call of duty to support the show financially. You can check here to download all of the old episodes of the podcast in addition to new spin-off shows. All it takes to become a premium member is a subscription via Paypal. Make sure you’re registered as a member of theblackguywhotips.com by clicking the link below:

Register To Be A Member Of The Site

After this just email us at theblackguywhotips@gmail.com letting us know your username on the site and we can activate your premium membership. After we receive your email and verify your subscription you’ll receive an email from us notifying you that you have access to all of our new spin off shows and archived episodes:

FYI: This is separate from any recurring donations you may currently have with TBGWT. Also we ask that you please do not share any of the links to the shows. Your support means the world to us and without it we will not be able to continue to do the show in the current format. Thank you for supporting us.


Why should you go premium?

In addition to supporting the show and allowing us the freedom to create more content for listeners you can also hear the show from the beginning. Only premium members have exclusive access all of our archived episodes.

Exclusive Spin-off Shows such as:

(Click The Logos To Go To The Episodes)


Lip Smacking Good is a show hosted by Karen and it’s all about food culture and the love of food. Karen talks to people about food from all over the globe in the way that only Karen can.


Medium Talk with Rod is an interview show where Rod goes a bit more in depth than the normal interviews on TBGWT.


Balls Deep Sports is the weekly Sports podcast that you’ve all been waiting for. Rod talks with various people about the sports news of the week.


The Nerd Off is a weekly podcast dedicated to nerd culture. This is the show for the nerd that doesn’t hate everything.


Spoiled Movie Reviews is a podcast hosted by Rod and Karen for people who’ve seen the movie, never plan on seeing the movie or just don’t give a fuck.

Other shows will be coming forth in the future.

Mandatory Blackness Assignment: D’Jango Review. Due by February 28th


INSTRUCTOR NAME: The Spirit Of All Our Black Ancestors
COURSE NUMBER/COURSE TITLE: D’Jango Unchained In The African American Diaspora
  • D’Jango Unchained Thesis
  • All black people with anything higher than a high school diploma must construct some form of media about the social / societal ramifications of the movie Quentin Tarantino’s D’jango Unchained by the end of Black History Month. Those with  multiple degrees or post college graduate education must submit longer forms of D’jango analysis.
  • The purpose of this assignment is to verify your status in the African American diaspora by overly pontificating on the 2 hour and 45 minute Spaghetti Western involving one white man’s take on slavery as a background.
  • As a bonus you may also use this assignment to prove how much smarter and sophisticated you are than other negroes through your love / hatred or indifference of D’Jango Unchained.
  • Black people will also use this assignment to promote the viewing of other black cinema about slavery such as Roots, Amistad and Precious.
• Make a list of preliminary Resources for this project.Preliminary Resources for this project include Roots, A Fistful of Dollars, Amistad, Precious, Madea Goes To Jail, Pariah, Red Hook Summer, The Color Purple and all Quentin Tarantino movies. You may also read books such as Roots, Beloved, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Madea Goes To Jail and Encyclopedia Brown.
• Read and Explore resources related to your project. Black people must read and explore resources related to your project or not read them but at least cite them as if you understand. For example:“Yeah yeah I get that the movie is supposed to be based off of Sergio Romero (Pronounced: Leone) films but it’s historically inaccurate.”“I know Spike Lee made Do The Right Thing but fuck that nigga. He ain’t made a good movie in 10 years!”• formulate a research question that you hope to answer. Questions such as:“Why is Spike Lee a bitch ass hater who don’t want to see a movie about slavery?”“Who the fuck does Dick Gregory think he is?”

“Which utterances of “nigger” were appropriate and which made you feel awkward?”

“How many white people were in your theater and did they laugh at the appropriate times?”

“Why wasn’t there more slavery in the film?”

“Why was there too much slavery in the film?”

“Why didn’t this film solve racism?”

“How did this film make up for 400 years of black oppression at the hands of white people?”

“Why was the n-word used so many times?”

“Why are all black people who disagree with you stupid sheep who can’t possibly have the same understanding and appreciation for blackness that you do?”

“Why should D’Jango Unchained be 100% accurate to all of the events that occurred during and around slavery?”

“Why should D’Jango Unchained be 100% accurate to all of the events that occurred during and around everything that’s ever happened to any black person ever at any point in time?”

“Why only sellouts and uncle Toms can’t get excited about seeing white slave masters get their comeuppance?”

“Is that one dude gay for holding Jamie Foxx’s dick?”

“Why they selling them dolls though?”

“How can a white man make this movie when Tyler Perry hasn’t even gotten a chance to make his historical opus on slavery yet?”
• create a first draft attempting to answer your question with sources or just anecdotal references from conversations at the beauty salon, barbershop, basketball court or any family get-together.
• revise the first draft for with more racial overtones and insults about anyone who potentially disagrees with your point of view.
• create an outline for your project as it stands
• revise again with more racial overtones and insults about anyone who potentially disagrees with your point of view
• edit for surface errors and mechanics and realize white people don’t even care about all this.

• This assignment is due by the end of black history month or you will have your blackness revoked.
• All forms of media must be as long enough for everyone to want to roll their eyes and change the subject all ready.
• This assignment is 50% of your blackness for 2013
• Format: Mp3, video or written
• Sources there is no limit or minimum for sources that must be used in this assignment. If you are black that is source enough to pontificate on the very idea of this film for hours.
• All people with degrees in African American Studies MUST complete this assignment or they will have their degrees revoked.
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