A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

Category: Pre-Game (Page 1 of 44)

This is where we talk shit before talking sports

PG 433: Karen’s Inner Monologue

Rod, Justin, and Karen discuss celebrating holidays, social media reactionaries, What Now? With Trevor Noah, Jamie Foxx special, Justin buying PlayStation games, Karen taking time off, Karen’s inner monologue, Curvy Girl Summer, emojis over your significant other’s in pics, Surveilled, Jailbreak: Love on the Run, listener feedback and Joe Budden arrested.

PG 432: Crashing Out During the Crime

Rod and Justin discuss leaving work early, being white at work, Justin organizing a cousins get-together, Christmas, The Last Dragon, the NBA Christmas games, NBA ratings, the lack of a new NBA superstar, Karen’s days off, Baby, This is Keke Palmer, going out to eat on Christmas, Numbers on the Board, For My Man, Kings of Tupelo, listener feedback and reality TV news.

PG 429: Bad Bitches Are Anemic

Rod, Justin, and Karen discuss the nighttime Thanksgiving parade, Thanksgiving brunch, teeth whitening, Justin’s nephew’s football season over, Justin’s heat went out, the Hornets game, 5K fund raiser, Kendrick Lamar tickets, getting some new headphones, Black Friday sales, listener feedback and reality TV news.

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