A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

Category: The Nerd Off (Page 16 of 23)

Nerd Off! Nerd Off! Nerd Off!

TNO 75: Nintendo Is Bernie Sanders

Rod, Kriss and Aaron discuss listener feedback, what we’ve been playing, watching and reading and then we get into the news. Blade Runner 2049, smartphones don’t kill sperm, Hulu gets Disney classics, Metropolis mini series, Echo police warrant, 61% of people check their smartphones when they wake up, Jurassic World 2, Kurt Sutter had a Punisher movie script rejected, Kevin Costner, T-Mobile kills Samsung Galaxy, Rogue One made all the money, Nintendo Switch update, Oculus Rift scandal, Spider-man TV show, X-men getting a new TV show, Deadpool Oscar buss, Tom Hanks Dumbo rumor, Will Smith, iBoy, Woody Harrelson will be in Han Solo film, DC movies are “fun,” Hawkeye wants in the Black Widow movie, Disney made 3 billi, Archer moving to FXX, Christian Bale, film critics in China, Logan movie, streaming beat discs in 2016, Facebook adding ads to video, iPhone theater mode, C The God getting a Marvel comic, Half Life 3 not happening, Marlon James, X-Men movie title announced, Peter Dinklage cast in Marvel films, Channing Tatum still gonna be Gambit, Carrie Fisher’s estate talking to Disney, Elite Dangerous and LGBT Young Justice representation.

TNO 74: Trump’s America RPG

Rod, Kriss, Aaron and Karen discuss listener feedback, The Great Wall might not be a hit in China, woman hit by meteorite, Call of Duty still top grossing game, Nintendo on that bullshit again, Super Mario Run, Damian Wayne game, Tilda vs Cho, Saw coming to Star Wars rebels, Rogue One had a different ending, 3D porn coming, Street Fighter V, Naruto, Gal Gadot outraged over UN decision, hackers, Zuckerberg AI butler, Overwatch censored in Russia over lesbian character, Expendables 4, Xbox One deals, Elon Musk, John Williams, Tomb Raider movie, de-aging actors, Watch Dogs 2 racism and Runescape debacle.

TNO 73: Coon Stoppers

Rod, Kriss and Aaron discuss listener feedback, Rogue One, a new time travel show premise, what we’ve been playing and watching, PewDiePie prank, Luke Cage season 2, Lucasfilm executive team has 50% women, Star Wars boycott, Yu-Gi-Oh! stabbing, Apple patent case, X-Men movie filming in 2017, Little Shop of Horrors remake, The mummy gender change, Ironfist white savior discussion, Deadpool / Wolverine movie, Million Dollar Extreme canceled, Tom Cruise, Nintendo Switch will have Gamecube virtual console games, Justice League 2 pushed back, Powerless, Gotham City Sirens, Gypsy coming to The Flash, Sonequa Martin-Green gets lead in Star Trek, Matt Damon movie made bank in China, NES classic sales, Marco Polo canceled, the Last Guardian has low sells, Wonder Woman dropped by UN, NASA news, Elon Musk, Lena Headey court case, self driving Google cars, J.J. Abrams developing series, Call of Duty, Pokemon Go doesn’t help lose weight, nab embezzled million to play Game of War and Lionhead is a petty studio.

TNO 72: Bitter Live Tweeting


Rod and Kriss discuss listener feedback, what we’ve been reading and watching and stuff. Then we get into the news of the week. Xbox holiday features, Cloak and Dagger pushed to 2018, USB HIv stick, Mass Affect Andromeda, NES classic sold out, Super Mario Run, Rat Queens, Escape from NY reboot, Inhumans, John Wick director helming Deadpool 2, live action Winnie The Pooh, Zendaya might not be Mary Jane, Apple abandons the Airport, Xbox One outsells PS4, Amazon smart trash can, Moana made all the money, Netflix allows downloads now, Rampage movie starring The Rock, Ransomware attack on SF, no Back To The Future reboot, Final Fantasy XV,  Avatar, 22 Jump Street, Jurassic World 2, Amazon prime, Mayans MC, space wars, Watch Dog 2 multiplayer pulled and Walking Dead ratings.

TNO 71: 12 Years An Oompa Loompa


Rod, Kriss, Sterling and D Palm discuss listener feedback, Supergirl, Nilah Magruder gets overlooked, variant hip hop covers, rent the Magic Kingdom for a wedding, Zuckerberg wants a Jarvis, Goodman and Turturro back for Transformers, Sony has a Mulan film too, Netflix is growing, Enemy of the State getting a TV show reboot, Joss Whedon wants to direct a Star Wars film, Wonder Woman named honorary ambassador, Dark Energy, Indiana Jones 5, Netflix going further into debt, Candy Crush TV game show, Neo Geo coming to PS4, Ray Park, The Defenders will be 8 episodes, Rambo remake without Stallone, Snow White, iPhone 8 wireless charging, Dark Tower delayed to 2017, DC TV shows make a billion, Mafia 3 fastest selling 2k game ever, Starship Troopers remake, Furby movie, Simpsons renewed, Jaden Smith, Willy Wonka movie, Batman script scandal, Wonder Woman reshoots, Young Justice getting a 3rd season, American Werewolf in London, Mel Gibson calls out violence in Marvel movies, Legends of Tomorrow gets more episodes, Walking Dead, Ghost Rider may get a spin-off, Blizzard LGBTQ characters, Halloween Pokemon, God Particle movie, Nintendo ends Wii U, Deadpool 3 already planned,  Final Fantasy car and Trans narratives in comics.

TNO 70: DC’s Extended Cut Scam


Rod, Kriss, Sterling and Aaron discuss listener feedback, what we’ve been entertaining ourselves with, The Flash movie loses another director, Yahoo been scanning your emails, Oculus Rift problematic creator, Netflix will screen movies in theaters, Norway’s Prime Minister plays Pokemon Go during debate, Suicide Squad extended cut, Spotify ads had malware, Hellboy 3 shelved, Defenders filming in November, Arrow should reset some things with Flashpoint, Comcast limits data for cord cutters, The Wasp will be in Avengers, Galaxy Note killed, Apple Watch banned from cabinet meetings, Punisher actor inspired by Dirty Laundry short, Daredevil Season 1 getting Blu-ray release, Black Widow solo movie, War of the Worlds TV show coming to MTV, Doctor Strange race bending controversy, Lewis Tan on Ethnic actors not being allowed to be heroes, Donald Glover cast as Lando, Hidden Figures will qualify for an Oscar release, Superman spin-off show, Deadpool 2 set news, Chelsea Cain quits Twitter, Daisy Ridley responds to Mary Sue comments, Jessica Jones Season 2 getting all female directors, Titanfall 2 has no season pass or DLC charges and the Riri Williams cover backlash.

TNO 69: Nintendo Switch


Rod, Aaron, Sterling and Kriss discuss listener feedback, what we’re playing, watching, reading, Luke Cage, The Nintendo Switch, Guardians trailer, Logan trailer, Samsung phones blowing up, X-men writers making money, Amazon wants to leave packages in your house, Wonder Woman is queer, iPhone 7 battery life, Dan Harmon on Doctor Strange, James Wan, Walking Dead Renewed, Captain Planet movie, Daniel Craig might play Bond again, Jeffrey Dean Morgan wants to play Batman, Stan Lee, Transformer Nazi sequences, John Wick 3 in development, Captain Marvel movie, Elon Musk, people mad they gotta be black in video game, Purge TV show in development, No Man’s Sky being investigated, Best Buy selling recalled products, Anne Hatheway wants back in, One Punch Man gets season 2 and some white washing of Asian movies.

TNO 68: Smiling Kriss Face


Rod, Kriss, Aaron and Sterling discuss listener feedback, SpaceX explosion, moon’s eerie glow solved, Pokemon GO insurance, Caped Crusaders getting a theatrical release, CW getting a 3 hour crossover, Jurassic World getting a trilogy, GI Joe 3 on hold, Kevin Smith loves The Flash, Alan Moore retiring, Chipotle Burrito drones, Hamil Family drama, NES emulator almost on Xbox One, Last Guardian delayed again, Rundown 2 wants to cast Jonah Hill, Suicide Squad making money, Lyft getting self driving cars, Pokemon GO mugging, iPhone security hacked, Gotham producer tries to clean up the mess, major TV manufacturers lying about energy ratings, Zuckerberg wants to cure all diseases, Equalizer 2, Punisher may be back sooner than later, the Walking Dead could go on for many more years, John Wick 2 will be twice as violent, Hasbro vs Mattel series and white male show runners.


TNO 67: Where’s My Coke, Becky?!


Rod, Kriss and Aaron discuss listener feedback, what we’ve been playing and watching, DC taking back reigns from Snyder, Deathstroke in Batman movie, Nighthawk canceled, Giancarlo didn’t get a role with Marvel, Gotham showrunner thinks Superheroes don’t work on TV, Black Lightning TV show, Bruce Lee series coming to Cinemax, Squirrel Girl coming to TV, Thunderbirds co-creator dies, CBS All Access, Stephen Amell, JGL thinks DKR ended perfectly, WB supported Superman being on Supergirl TV show, Elon Musk has a rocket blow up, Duncan Jones disappointed in Warcraft turn out, new stupid TV ideas, Suicide Squad on Arrow was a test for the movie, Ben Hur flop, Shailene Woodley doesn’t want to do TV, Booster Gold movie, PS4 Pro has some issues and the iPHone 7 controversy.

TNO 66: Why Gotham Is Trash


Rod, Kriss and Sterling discuss listener feedback, new Robin Hood movie coming, Ben-Hur flopped, Zendaya is Mary Jane, Hulu is going premium only, Elder Scrolls movie, GRR Martin new TV series, Tron might get another sequel, Mamoa as The Crow, Star Trek Discovery, Old Man Logan, Bad Boys 3, racist Olympic commentator, Lumberjanes movie has director, Wonder Woman director response to anonymous email, Punisher coming to Netflix, R2-D2 actor dies, Aquaman the Wolverine of JL, Project Scorpio, Ironheart, Marvel replacing the Avengers, Luke Cage, Justice League Dark, Batman: Return Of The Caped Crusaders, Gotham is a shit show, Legion is part of the X-men universe, The Rock vs Vin, Supergirl Season 2, New Mutants getting a movie, Disney getting all the dough and a horribly written article about progress in comic book media.

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