A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

Category: The Nerd Off (Page 20 of 23)

Nerd Off! Nerd Off! Nerd Off!

TNO 35: Preparing For Star Wars Racism Backlash


Rod is joined by Karen, Kriss and Mr. Spann to discuss what we’ve been playing, watching and reading, Ant-man, New Xbox One Apps, Xbox getting more power, Guardians of the Galaxy in 3D, Madden getting tats back, Watch Dogs racism, NBA Live vs 2k, games with gold, Gambit, games delayed to 2015, Mortal Kombat X, GRR Martin will kill you, gamers are cool, Lupita in Star Wars, Oculus Rift for chickens, Marvel game universe, EA streaming to cable boxes, youtube buying Twitch, Avatar sequels and listener questions.

Kriss Website

Mr Spann’s Website

TNO 33: The Best Peter Parker Ever


Rod is joined by Kriss, Sterling and Karen to discuss Amazing Spider-man 2, Son of Batman, Saga, Uber, Agents of Shield, Arrow, Justice League Unlimited, Death of Wolverine, Almost Human cancelled, Tax on violent video games, arcade games banned, community manager fired for defending Sterling, Xbox Parity policy, Dragon Age 3, religious games, too early for DC cinematic universe, Chiwetel up for Bond villain roll, Transformers 5 announced, Star Wars universe no longer canon, Max Steel, Hobbit movie, Fantastic Four, X-men DOFP news and questions from the audience.


TNO 32: Going Digital


Rod is joined by Kriss, Karen and Sterling to discuss Arrow, Captain America, Rick and Morty, Walking Dead, Agents of Shield, Transcendence, Xbox One use at 5 hours a day, Black Widow movie, AT&T vs Netflix, Xbox One getting indie games, 1080p on Xbox One, PS4 getting predownloads, Gamestop changing up their business, PS4 getting new TV shows, Nitendo Wii killing wifi, Xbox not for sale, VR treadmill, gamers no longer basement dwellers, Microsoft VR glasses, Drew Goddard to direct Sinister Six, EA April Fool’s joke, Office for iPad, Origin store switches to digital only, new Xbox One smart glass, Xbox One game storage coming soon, Titanfall getting free modes and we answer listener questions.


TNO 31: Nerdnesia


Rod is joined by Kriss, Karen and Sterling to discuss what we’ve been playing / watching, all new ultimates 1, Dr. Strange movie, X-men: Apocalypse, Lupita in Star Wars, Batman DLC, game rentals on PS4, Last of Us movie, no Titanfall in South Africa, games with gold, sales, no more $99 Xbox 360 bundle, PS4 price rising in Canada, video game sales grow 1%, New Transformers game, Xbox One gets a remote, Netflix paying Comcast, douchebag calls Xbox One Kinect a failure and listener questions.

Kriss Site

Sterling’s Site


TNO 30: Goodbye Flappy Bird


Rod is joined by Kriss, Karen and Kev to discuss what we’ve been watching and playing, Superior Spiderman, Avengers: The Initiative, Stan Lee’s Mighty 7, Xbox One update, incest rape blamed on Xbox, Resident Evil composer is a fraud, Google buys Nest, Free to play games restricted in the UK, Flappy Bird, Twitter wants to be Facebook, Key And Peele on Non-Stop, Star Wars vs Star Trek, taking the Akira out of Akira, new guy for Transporter 4, casting for Fox’s Gotham series, Flash casting, Will Smith out for Independence Day 4, South Park game done, Sonic not coming to Xbox One and PS4, Walking Dead episode 2 just around the corner, Xbox One free game promotion coming soon and finally Call of Duty switching to 3 year cycle.

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TNO 29: B-R5RB Under Attack!


Rod is joined by Kriss, Karen and Aaron B to discuss new Space Dandy, Rick and Morty, Arrow, Intelligence, Justice League War movie, Freedom Cry, Games with Gold, Days Of Future Past leaks, new Hit Man Movie, Jesse Eisenberg announces as Lex Luthor, PS Vita sales sky rocket in Europe after PS4 comes out, the stupidity of console wars, MS offers 100 credit for last gen games, discless X-Box One rumored, PS launches mobile game streaming, Xbox One patch to improve graphics, Killer Instinct jail, Wii U sales, Nintendo future, Android console, GoPro channel on XBox, Angry Birds hacked, man saves his Xbox from burning house, Riddick sequel, Forest Whitacker to be in Taken 3 and Eve Online battle.

Kriss’ Website

Aaron B’s Website


TNO 28: Deathstroke


Rod is joined by Karen and Kriss to discuss Arrow, Intelligence, Orphan Black, Sleepy Hollow, Adventure Time, Her, Helix, Assassin’s Creed 4, Tomb Raider Frame Rate scandal, Marvel Agents of Shield leaks, Assassin’s Creed movie, 1 million sold on Pizza Hut app, Major Nelson discusses digital downloads, Black Sails, 24 comes back May 5th, Gotham TV show, 3 Avatar sequels, Wonder Woman canceled again, Ant-man movie moves to May 2015, Tales from Borderlands, Titanfall hate, Ghost in the Shell movie, Facebook fakes likes, MS paying for positive reviews, 2014 will be a down year at the movies, Nintendo Fusion announced, Gal Gadot signed for 3 movies and Batman classic TV show getting dvd set.

Kriss Website


TNO 27: Nerds Don’t Have To Hate


Rod is joined by Kriss and Kev to discuss Orphan Black, Assassin’s Creed 4, Freedom Cry, GTA, Netflix adding director’s commentary, the next Halo, remote play for PS4, the Division delayed, Sony launching cloud TV, Video on Demand and gaming, MS adding feedback to Xbox One features, Xbox One almost had no disc drive, Netflix streaming options, X2 writers writing Apocalypse, Watch Dogs, game collecting dude, operation cease fire, NBA Live 14, second villain in Age of Ultron, next gen uses more power, Call of Duty sales troubling, Handsome Jack movie, Steam machines, TiVo in the cloud, China lifts console sales ban, no more MLB 2k and nerds arguing for no reason.

Kriss and Kev’s Website

TNO 26: Marvel Timeline Confusion


Rod is joined by Karen and Kriss to discuss Xbox One ownership, Almost Human, HBO Go, Arrow mid-season finale, Assassin’s Creed 4, Rogue cut from Days of Future Past, Paul Rudd confirmed for Ant Man, the X-men timeline, Marvel vs Capcom leaving arcade stores, $10K Xbox One, Attack on Titan Cosplay, Death Note the musical, Reactive grip, Oculus rift, stuntman Oscar category, Walking Dead law suit, EA getting sued, console prices over the years, Death Note, next gen consoles use more electricity, Man of Steel costumes and the Steam Box.

Kriss’ Website

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