A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny

Category: The Nerd Off (Page 22 of 23)

Nerd Off! Nerd Off! Nerd Off!

TNO 15: Uwe Boll Ruined Titties


Rod is joined by Kriss, Kev and later Karen (The KKK) to discuss Dead of Alive costumers, what we’ve been playing and watching, Sword Art Online, Aqua Teen, The Witcher 2, New York Times cyber attack, This Is The End back in theaters, JJ Abram and Jonathan Nolan working for HBO, Kurt Russell in Fast 7, Daredevil is back, video game movies, Zach Snyder explains Metropolis destruction, Spader is Ultron, movie PR, Japan fights online addiction, Girlfriend pillows, Kinect voice delays, the concussion bot, Xbox Live, Zelda and Nintendo, Xbox One does remote downloads just like the 360 and PS4, Wii U price drop, Tween movies failing, Sony TV making El Mariachi series, online game crime, EA introduces refunds and Borderlands cartoon thoughts.

Kev and Kriss’ Website

BloodRayne - In bed

TNO 14: Ben Affleck


Rod is joined by Karen, Sterling and Jaime to discuss black comicbook characters, Ben Affleck being cast as Batman, Eminem and Call of Duty, Miles Morales joins the 616, Mission Impossible 5, World War Z, Grand Theft Auto, Xbox one gold sharing, Killer Instinct, GPS blocking case, Gamestop price gouging, Xbox One adjust to over heating, Xbox season pass, Time Warner class action suit, Sony plans game discounts, Xbox One free 3rrd party title, Watch Dogs movie, Gran Turismo movie, MS CEO leaves, Shadow of the Eternals, Mad Max game, PS4 pre-orders might not meet launch date, Fable Legends Beta, Star Wars games, Rambo TV series announced, launch titles, Wal-Mart and Sleeping dogs.


TNO 13: Idris Elba Can’t Be Every Black Hero


Rod and Karen are joined by Kriss and Aaron to discuss Crackdown, Kingdom For Keflings, Brothers, Elysium, casting black actors in hero movies, John Williams, Expendables 3, Xbox One news, Pacific Rim, Star Wars TV show on ABC, Lone Ranger fail, Captain Phillips, Indiana Jones back, Thanos not in Avengers 2, Sharknado 2, Microsoft points, Saints Row special edition, PS news, Twitter helps TV ratings.

Kriss’ Website

Aaron’s Website


TNO 12: Where Is Sony?


Rod is joined by Karen, Kriss and Kev to discuss Justice League Flashpoint, Arrow, Flash TV shows, Young Justice, SkyRim, XCOM, new sentinels, John Williams back, Amazing Spider-man 2, Avatar sequels, Pacific Rim potential sequel, CBS vs Time Warner, FBI wants cable providers to snoop, a whole lot of Xbox News, No Sony news again, 6g speakers, 10 year old saves family because of Mario Kart, Ouya gives store credit, Call of Duty pre-orders low and Arkham Origins multiplayer?

TNO 11: The Wolverine


Rod is joined by Karen and Kriss to discuss Sky Rim, Scott Pilgrim, The Wolverine, Batman Superman movie, Apple refunds money, Google Glass Porno, beat Contra for my love, Netflix, WoW losing members, Xbox One plays while it installs, Gran Turismo movie, Navy using Kinect, Summer box office, Chromecast, Madden and Black Ops studio get threatened.

Kriss’ Website

TNO 10: Bring Back NFL 2K


Rod is joined by Karen, Kevin, Sterling and Aaron to discuss Deadpool, Assassin’s Creed, NFL 2K, Playing Dead, Pacific Rim, RIPD, Event Horizon, next gen systems will sell out, EA signs deal with NCAA, no DLC for South Park game, Japanese don’t want next gen, Strider back, MS took a loss, Steam Summer Sale, JK Rowling unveiled, Godzilla, new DC movies, Amazing Spider-man 2, monetizing Facebook, Tumblr censorship, paid apps on the decline, iPhone finger print security and death by iPhone.

Sterling’s Website

Aaron’s Website

TNO 9: Max Payne – Impossible White Man


Rod is joined by Karen, Kriss, Kev and Ian to discuss the Xbox One and PS4, Ian’s parody videos, working for Destructoid, Amazon, fans want DRM back, Samsung Jay-Z app fail, Kinect to read codes, old games are hard, Mattrick works for Zynga, Julie Larson-Green, movie talk, Johnny Depp, X-Force, Ant-man, Disney loses money, Disney could make a billion of Star Wars 7, pre-orders out of stock, Beta testing for Xbox One, gaming in Japan, Xbox Arcade. Game reviews for Remember Me, Assassin’s Creed, Max Payne 3 and Deadpool


Ian’s Website

Ian’s Youtube Channel

TNO 8: We Were Right About Everything


Rod is joined by Karen, Kriss, Kevin and Brandon to discuss, Way of the Dogg, Facebook jokes goes wrong, post death information, surgical headphones, Windows 8.1, no Will Smith for Independence Day 2, Terminator reboot trilogy, Taken 3, Time Warner makes deal with Xbox, stupid Xbox One achievement, PS 4 exclusives, Xbox headsets not included, The Last of Us, PS3 Firmware fixed, Google gaming console and system specs.

TNO 7: Sterling’s Intervention


Rod is joined by Brandon, Kriss and Sterling to discuss Edward Snowden getting charged, the Rock in Terminator 5, Facebook security fail, Dan Harmon is sorry, Americans naming kids after Khaleesi, listener feedback, Halo is now a saga, Xbox One doesn’t have official release date, features we’re losing in the Xbox One DRM fall back and you can plug and Xbox 360 into an Xbox One.

Sterling’s Website

Kriss’ Website

Brandon’s Website

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