Well, it’s time for your official votes in first annual Tippies Awards. Let your voice be heard.
A Free Comedy Talk Show With the Motto - Nothing's Wrong If It's Funny
The Tippies – This post is for nominating your favorite moments, guest and episodes of The Black Guy Who Tips. This is only for nominations. The actual voting won’t take place until January. But if you’re thinking of some episodes or clips that you’d like to put into contention for voting this is the place to nominate those things. Just reply to this thread so we can keep all of the feedback in one place. You don’t have to have a nomination for every category and you don’t have to do it all at once. We’ll keep this post up for at least a month.
Best Impressions (need clip) – For example when Karen did her Elmo impression on the show or Rod did the impression of the drunk newswoman. You need to provide us with the minute mark and episode in order for us to get the clip to play on our nomination show.
Best guest (individual) – Pick the guest that you think did the best job on the show as an individual.
Best guests (group) – Pick the guests that you think did the best job on the show as a group. Must be on the same show together.
Worst guest – Pick the guest or guests that you feel did the worst job in their appearance on the show.
Funniest Moment – What is the funniest moment you’ve heard on the show? We need you to provide us with an episode number and minute mark in order for us to get the clip.
Best Feedback Participant (non Chill) – Who is the best feedbacker that isn’t Chill?
Best Episode – Self explanatory. Just tell us which show is the best in your opinion.
Best Random Thought – What is the best random thought you’ve heard on the show? If it’s short enough provide the minute mark and episode and we’ll play the clip.
Best Interview – Which guest had the best interview segment on the show?
Best Argument – Hey sometimes we disagree either with guests or each other. Which was the best debate / argument in your opinion?
Best Chill Moment (need clip) – Chill is a staple of the feedback show. She’s called us so many times. What is your favorite chill moment from the show. Provide as clip.
Okay it seems like Rod’s shit talking has generated enough interest to start a fantasy football league. Well who are we to stand in the way of progress. The only issue is that we don’t have much time. The NFL season starts on Wednesday! This is a pay only league. The entry fee is $25. $5 will go to TBGWT as an admin fee to help out with the show. The rest goes in the pool for the pay outs at the end of the season. Pay outs will be determined after we’ve gotten all the teams registered.
The draft will be set for Tuesday night at 10pm EST. It will be a live draft via ESPN.com. The draft format will be snake. The amount of people willing to participate will determine exactly how many teams there are but we’ll try to make it a 12 team league. Once all spots are filled we will close down registration and prepare for the draft. You MUST prepay to be in this league. All payments need to go through paypal. The donation button is on the top right hand corner of this page. No IOUs, payment plans will be accepted. If we do this next year we’ll give more notice. We’ll go with ESPN standard scoring, no keepers, no dynasty but people who participate this year get first choice on participating next year if we do this again.
So please email theblackguywhotips@gmail.com for the password to the ESPN The Black Guy Who Tips league after you’ve submitted your $25. If the league is full when I get your email I’ll just refund your money through paypal. If we do not generate enough interest to do a league with 8 to 12 teams we will refund your money back. Any questions you have just email us. So good luck to you all and may the odds be ever in your favor.
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